Pain Management

Many types of chronic pain may not seem serious at a glance, but at Pawhuska Hospital Inc., we know that long-term pain seriously impacts the quality of life, often resulting in debility and depression over time. Chronic pain doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background.

Pain Management

Many patients in the pain management program at Pawhuska Hospital Inc. suffer from:

  • Atypical pain syndromes
  • Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Neck pain
  • Oncology-related pain
  • Spine pain
  • Neuropathic pain resulting from damaged or pinched nerves

Chronic pain can be defined by any of these three criteria:

  • It persists after an injury has healed, or lasts longer than the usual recovery time
  • It interferes with daily life, either at home or at work
  • It doesn’t get better after multiple attempts to treat it, including medication, physical therapy or surgery

Our team partners with primary care doctors and other specialists for comprehensive physical, diagnostic and psychological evaluations. These evaluations help us to determine whether further tests such as blood chemistry, x-rays or imaging are needed, and ultimately to:

  • Minimize the effects of pain
  • Maximize function and productivity
  • Teach alternative coping methods
  • Minimize the need for medication
  • Prevent further injury
  • Enable patients to return to normal activity